This project was initiated by Priscilla Ho & her team Cr8TVT@Heart. Priscilla is a therapeutic play skills practitioner trained by Play Therapy International (PTI-UK). From the year 2006 till now, Priscilla has worked with chronically ill children and children in crisis (abused/traumatized) with poor mental health at the Penang General Hospital and two children’s homes.

It is noted that children who are hospitalized love to draw and add colour to their drawings.
Most children in the hospital do not have art materials to help them express their fears and anxiety during their stay. “Expressive art helps the children express themselves and gives them a much needed sense of control.”

That is how Priscilla came up with the project to print this therapeutic activity book ‘I am Special’ to help the children express freely. It is designed to help children communicate and express their feelings through the pages that encourage communication and imagination. Children are encouraged to draw, write stories, colour each page using their imagination. This gives them a sense of control and a safe place to express their fears and worries.

‘I am Special’ therapeutic activity book helps to distract, engage and inspire the children who are hospitalized and heals their emotional well-being. This is not simply a colouring book. The core of the activity book helps children exercise their imagination and creativity but more importantly the emotional impact on the children. This is an incredible asset for ongoing medical outreach to support the mental health and well-being of children who are hospitalized and those in crisis.
ECM Libra Foundation sponsored the printing of this therapeutic activity book ‘I am Special’. It is used in Play Therapy sessions with school children as well as distributed free to children in crisis (trauma/anxiety) and children ages 13 and below who are admitted into the general and district hospitals in Penang Island and the Mainland.

Click here for a sample of the children’s works
Click here for their webpage.